Monday, 18 August 2014

Hidoku Shinaide DJ Extra : Onsen H

Ne Club (Scan Credits)

如果我們無意中用了你們的掃描,請發送電郵到 或留言讓我們知道,我們將會盡量立刻刪除漫畫。我們只是想跟大家分享漫畫。如有不便之處,敬請原諒。

Hidoku Shinaide Extra : Autumm's Date

3n5b (Scan credits)
如果我們無意中用了你們的掃描,請發送電郵到 或留言讓我們知道,我們將會盡量立刻刪除漫畫。我們只是想跟大家分享漫畫。如有不便之處,敬請原諒。

Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata Chapter 6 Translation

Red font refers to thoughts of the respective person. Italicized words refer to flashbacks, like what the other person had said before, OR to describe actions in between words. (Bracketed stuff) are used for the one or two worded replies that make up part of the conversation, to enter for one or two words seems a bit weird, and doesn't make it flow well..


Click here for the link to the Chinese version. Pages referred to are from here as well. Please look through the scans first. It would be best to read my translation and look at the scans at the same time.

Himananode Hajimete Mimashita Chapter 5 Summary

Hey. So this isn't in any of what I said I would do, but I was....I didn't want to sleep or do more ZG wwww. I'm pretty sure that PLS are still scanalating this, but definitely not off the chinese scans because the quality is bad. Which is why I'm not going to to do the translation, but the summary instead.

Visit PLS here 
how do they translate manga pretty good but their wordpress posts' grammar is like....
Chinese scans here
Chinese scanalator here
Its a forum and you have to sign up though. :( I feel pretty bad for redirecting you guys to 77mh.

Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakasekata Extra 3 Translation

Here's the extra thing I promised. Screw studies. Ps, I actually have no idea what all the sex terms mean. I'm just going to wing it, and hope I'm correct. I did take uhh... 14 years of Chinese (I'm 18 this year lol) but no this isn't the kind of thing they'd teach you in school now would they ahahahahahhahaha. k.
Red font refers to thoughts of the respective person. Italicized words refer to flashbacks, like what the other person had said before, OR to describe actions in between words. (Bracketed stuff) are used for the one or two worded replies that make up part of the conversation.


Click here for the link to the Chinese version. Pages referred to are from here as well. Please look through the raws first. It would be best to read my translation and look at the raws at the same time.

Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakasekata Extra 2 Translation

Quote "I actually have no idea what all the sex terms mean. I'm just going to wing it, and hope I'm correct. I did take uhh... 14 years of Chinese (I'm 18 this year lol) but no this isn't the kind of thing they'd teach you in school now would they ahahahahahhahaha. k."
Red font refers to thoughts of the respective person. Italicized words refer to flashbacks, like what the other person had said before, OR to describe actions in between words. (Bracketed stuff) are used for the one or two worded replies that make up part of the conversation"


Click here for the link to the Chinese version. Pages referred to are from here as well. Please look through the raws first. It would be best to read my translation and look at the raws at the same time.

Kuroneko Kareshi no Nakasekata Extra 1 Translation

Small announcment/talktime thing at the end, please read it till the end! Btw, this is an uber cute extra!

Quote "I actually have no idea what all the sex terms mean. I'm just going to wing it, and hope I'm correct. I did take uhh... 14 years of Chinese (I'm 18 this year lol) but no this isn't the kind of thing they'd teach you in school now would they ahahahahahhahaha. k."
Red font refers to thoughts of the respective person. Italicized words refer to flashbacks, like what the other person had said before, OR to describe actions in between words. (Bracketed stuff) are used for the one or two worded replies that make up part of the conversation


Click here for the link to the Chinese version. Pages referred to are from here as well. Please look through the raws first. It would be best to read my translation and look at the raws at the same time.

Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishkata Chapter 5 Translation

Quote from last post "Also, I will try to fully translate everything as far as possible, to the point of not paraphrasing things. So somethings might seem weird. I hope I don't spoil the feels involved. Red font refers to thoughts of the respective person. Italicized words refer to flashbacks, like what the other person had said before, OR to describe actions in between words. (Bracketed stuff) are used for the one or two worded replies that make up part of the conversation, to enter for one or two words seems a bit weird, and doesn't make it flow well. Orange highlighter over a phrase means that its something that I inferred. Yellow highlighter over a word/phrase means that I know it's a weird word/weird phrasing to use here, but its the best I can do. orz"  NO I DECIDED TO HAVE SOME CONFIDENCE AND YOU'LL HAVE TO TRUST MY SKILLZXCCC


Click here for the link to the Chinese version. Pages referred to are from here as well. Please look through the raws first. It would be best to read my translation and look at the raws at the same time.

Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata Chapter 4 Translation

Red font refers to thoughts of the respective person. Italicized words refer to flashbacks, like what the other person had said before, OR to describe actions in between words. (Bracketed stuff) are used for the one or two worded replies that make up part of the conversation. I'm sorry I'm not very good at translating the sex terms/ rephrasing them. orz


Kakmai's brother ---> Eugene

Kakami's nephew ---> Leo

Click here for the link to the Chinese version. Pages referred to are from here as well. Please look through the raws first. It would be best to read my translation and look at the scans at the same time.

Kuroneko Kareshi no Aishikata Chapter 2 Summary

Omg kay honestly, If I'm going to take such pains to read every single word, I might as well just write out the summary of it weew. Even though there's raws to refer too, I'm still going to describe the actions abit so that it'll help you see which line belongs to what pages or scene, stuff like that.

Click here for the link to Chinese Scans. 

So the three of them are just being awkward in the living room in the first scene. Kakami's says "Brother..." and Shingo looks REALLY shocked when he hears that. Kakami then proceeds comment that his brother is in japan, and why didn't he inform Kakami about the fact that he's back in Japan, and that it would be good to actually do that. Then he asks what his brother is finding him for. His brother goes like " What matters...?" (matters like things like I came to see you about the matter that happened earlier, that sort of 'matter') He walks over to hug Kakami and both K and S just look really shocked (LOL their faces) He then says that what other reason would it be, other than to see his beloved brother? He stares at S and goes on to ask mundane questions like "how has life been, how's work, etc" that sort of thing. K then comments that it seems like his brother is extremely spirited as well.  KB (Kakami's brother) then actually reveals that he came down to Japan for work, and that they should meet up for dinner another day.K agrees and just like that, KB leaves. K says he's tired and goes to sit on the sofa, and S comes over, makes him a cup of coffee, and shoot him questions non-stop. About his brother, his nationality, etcetc (LOL S even complained that he entered the house wearing shoes). S is surprised because obviously this wasn't mentioned before, and furthermore, his brother looks so different from him. K then says that they are fully blood related, its just that his brother took after his mother from England, and K himself took after his dad from Japan. He also goes to say something about his brother, but I'm too lazy to make sense of it OTL. K then perks up and talks about the date thing, and S suddenly becomes childish, saying he doesn't wanna go; rolling around at home is pretty good too. He offers his lap as a pillow to K (hes so cute patting his thigh though ;u; ) and K briefly blushes before going to 'attack' S. S refuses though, rebutting K with the fact that he said he was tired just now. He's all like " I don't care about you anymore, I won't ever lend you my lap again!" but S quickly takes the chance and lies on his lap instead. K comments that S said such a cute thing (S denies that) and wants a kiss. S then kisses him, and asks if he's feeling less tired now, but K says " no, I need more"

heheh. next scene.

S is at work and Masayan comes over to ask what wrong with S, and then says something I cant read. (Its nothing important thou) Actually this whole scene I cant read, but they seem to be talking about something about K behavior at home recently. ( I'm sorry OTL). S then goes home to find the door unlocked (AGAIN), but, it is empty unlike the first time where he came home and KB was there. But he spots a leopard tail by the coffee table in the living room.


The chibi asks who S is and they're both being confused over who is the other person when someone else walks out into the living room. S turns around and sees that KB in in his house again. KB wonders why S is being so shocked, and goes over to pick up his son. K is seen asking the both of them to leave (Pizza-kun makes an appearance \o/). K says there are no extra rooms for his brother to stay in. KB then goes on to say "I've actually already bought over this whole complex. Such a housing....was really cheap.... Anyway, (inserts son's name) really wants to spend time with K"

KB's son :I can really sleep together with Kakami??
KB: Of course you can!
K: .......I don't want to.

S then comments that it really isn't a bad thing, a night would be fine. K is all like "HAAAH??" and KB takes this time to reveal that him and his son already had checked out of the hotel, and are settling into one of the rooms, even their luggage is unpacked. K then says that there's only one one guest room, and KB asks if K is implying that they should go sleep on the sofa. K says no, definitely not, because the sofa is Shingo's. If they want to stay no matter what, then they would have to sleep on the floor. KB scoffs and says "you're talking about that servant's sofa....?" K glares at his bro and firmly says "Shingo is not a servant. Even though you obviously know this, the next time you mention about him being a servant, I will definitely kick you out!"

Next scene, pg28 (K and S in the bedroom)

K: Why did you agree to them staying here?!
S:...if its only one night then it shouldn't pose a problem...He bought the whole complex already, and he has a child. Also, aren't they your family?
K:'re not going to say that you actually like men like my brother.. are you??
S: HAHHH? Are you stupid?? I wouldn't do the things I do with you with any other people
And KB's son enters and says " Kakami I wanna go pee" LOL. K gets angry that he can't go pee on his own and S pushes K aside to go accompany the child to the toilet. K is left dejected on the bed hahahah.

Next scene, pg 31

S and KB are at home. S glances at KB and thinks that he too, gives off a sparkly aura like K as well. S offers KB a cup of coffee, and then KB says (I don't know how to read this). But he accepts it anyway.
KB: Where's Kakami?
S: He's sleeping.
KB:..You seem like Kakami's lover. You a werecat right? I think you know what breed our family is, and we're not suited(?) to mix with housecats like you. Just like my son, Kamami will too, have to one day marry a proper candidate. There is a need to set a good example.(???) Were you not under that notion before becoming Kakami's lover? (Which means that he's trying to say that Shingo should only become his lover if he's fully prepared to split with Kakami one day)

/ends the chapter with Shingo's shocked face.

Idk If I've done a good job, but that's basically the gist of it. I cant read the words very well, because they're "fan ti zi" and not the simplified Chinese I've learnt. Some parts which are simple conversations, so I can type out exactly what they're saying. The orange highlighted parts are the things I'm not sure of, and I'm kinda inferring. But basically, it's another crisis! sigh. No sex scene though, and they didn't go on their date ;___; The last part, the last line the one about the notion, I'm not really sure because I couldn't understand half of the speech bubble lolol. I'm sorry. So what I typed was what I inferred. Please feel free to tell me the changes I should make.

I've been really frustrated about the fact that there's no English translations, so when I found the Chinese version on mangago, I decided to slog my guts out and slowly read it word by word hahah. This whole thing took me about an hour, and if a chapter were to be in English, I'd say it'd take me about 10 minutes lol.

If anyone wants me to help with the scanalations, I'll be glad to! Drop me a comment or leave me your email in the comment section below. My personal email is too embarrass to tell announce to everyone lololol.

Again, sorry for any mistakes! feel free to ask anything! I will do chapter three next week, maybe Saturday or Sunday, but not soon because I'm in the middle of my exams right now XD (So no need to constantly check everyday)

Hidoku Shinaide DJ Extra: Onsen H

Quote "I actually have no idea what all the sex terms mean. I'm just going to wing it, and hope I'm correct. I did take uhh... 14 years of Chinese (I'm 18 this year lol) but no this isn't the kind of thing they'd teach you in school now would they ahahahahahhahaha. k."
Red font refers to thoughts of the respective person. Italicized words refer to flashbacks, like what the other person had said before, OR to describe actions in between words. (Bracketed stuff) are used for the one or two worded replies that make up part of the conversation.

Click here for the link to the Chinese version. Pages referred to are from here as well. Please look through the scans first. It would be best to read my translation and look at the scans at the same time.