Monday 25 April 2016

announcment #2(or 3..?4?)

Quick hi to you guys who always thank me for doing , I am STILL ALIVE!

I'm sorry I really am. In lieu of the outcoming FKKS anime coming out, I think this blog recieved more attention....

I am SO SORRY for the delayed releases and the promises that I always make but then never fufill. but guess what, here's another one (lol dont kill me).

I'm in the midst of my finals (last week!!!) soafter this week I SWEAR I WILL RUSH THEM ALL FOR YOU GUYS! I swear! OK. Cross my heart hope to die. You guys have been really patient and I thank you. Thank you so much really. I will get them out next next week.

Also, I'm sorry to all the mails I never replied. imm go reply them now woops.


  1. Well, finals come first, try your best!

  2. RL comes first, so do what you need to do and we'll wait patiently. Hope you do great!

  3. I wish you all the best!
