Monday, 25 April 2016

announcment #2(or 3..?4?)

Quick hi to you guys who always thank me for doing , I am STILL ALIVE!

I'm sorry I really am. In lieu of the outcoming FKKS anime coming out, I think this blog recieved more attention....

I am SO SORRY for the delayed releases and the promises that I always make but then never fufill. but guess what, here's another one (lol dont kill me).

I'm in the midst of my finals (last week!!!) soafter this week I SWEAR I WILL RUSH THEM ALL FOR YOU GUYS! I swear! OK. Cross my heart hope to die. You guys have been really patient and I thank you. Thank you so much really. I will get them out next next week.

Also, I'm sorry to all the mails I never replied. imm go reply them now woops.